Resources for Lent
Lent is nearly upon on us! Here’s a round up of some of my favorite resources for adult and family devotional reading during this special season.
Devotional Reading for Adults:
Peace in the Dark by Jessica Herberger - This work is a beautiful reflection on what Holy Saturday has to teach us about the tension every Christian must live with daily: grief and hope.
10 Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin - During Lent, it’s customary to pray the Decalogue - the Ten Commandments - as we reflect on our lives and prepare our hearts for Easter. Wilkin’s book is a deep dive into each commandment and how these apply to our lives today.
Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton - this wonderfully practical book is about learning to quiet our hearts and listen for the Lord’s still, small voice. Barton has truly given a gift to any Christian who has wondered how to hear God in a noisy world.
Word in the Wilderness by Malcolm Guite - Does it get any better than Malcolm Guite curating a collection of daily poetry readings through Lent and then offering commentary on said poetry? (No. No it does not).
Bread & Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter - This extraordinary collection includes readings from 70+ authors (everyone from St. Augustine to C.S. Lewis to Mother Theresa!). It’s a beautiful buffet of Christian thought and mediation on the themes of Lent and Easter.
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson - Peterson explores the Songs of Ascents (Psalm 120-134) traditionally sung by pilgrims making their way to Jerusalem. We are fellow pilgrims journeying toward the cross and the new Jerusalem. What better songs can we learn to sing as we make our way to that heavenly city?
Family Devotional Reading + Children’s Books:
Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent & Easter by Laura Alary - an ecumenical resource all about how Lent allows us to “make room” for God. Although it’s a picture book, it need not be read in one sitting. It’s highly adaptable in what and how much you read.
Holy Week: An Emotions Primer (0+) by Danielle Hitchen - help even the littlest readers prepare their hearts for Easter by reviewing the story and the big feelings of Jesus’s final week. Bonus: this book helps children learn to identify and name their emotions, and realize that Jesus had big feelings too.
Lent Guide (3-12) by Little Way Chapel (Alissa Case) - This guide is a great way to dip your toe into various Lenten traditions with your kids! Bonus: it’s a digital download so available instantly!
Parables of Jesus + Little Pilgrim’s Big Journey (4+) by Lithos Kids - I’m not sure it gets any more appropriate than studying the life and words of Jesus as preparation for the resurrection celebration! Lithos Kids’ latest book on the Parables of Jesus can help you do just that in a very child-friendly way. Additionally, their children’s version of Pilgrim’s Progress is very on-theme for Lent - let us journey well toward the heavenly city!
Wild Hope by Gayle Boss (8+) - This book is a unique set of readings for Lent, all about endangered animals and how they have adapted to survive in an increasingly hostile world. If you’re looking for something unusual to enjoy with your kids, this one’s for you!
StorymakersNYC Lent Zines (8+) - These bible studies for upper elementary and middle grade children are so fun. They have three different zines designed for Lent and each one includes age-appropriate activities, fun art, and delightful interactive elements.
Resources about Lent:
Sacred Seasons: A Family Guide to Center Your Year Around Jesus by Danielle Hitchen - Sacred Seasons features chapters on Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Holy Week and explains how each places us in God’s story as well as walking through the historical practices associated with the seasons and spiritual disciplines to assist the Christian in engaging well in Lent and Holy Week.
The Liturgical Home: Lent by Ashley Tumlin Wallace - this little book has everything you need to know about the Season of Lent: a bit of history, explanation of liturgical traditions, recipes suitable for the fast, and weekly devotions.