Q&A with Danielle Hitchen

Welcome to the Catechesis Books Blog!

Let me introduce you to myself!

I’m Danielle Hitchen - the founder of Catechesis Books, the author of the Baby Believer primers, Church calendar enthusiast, and lover of beautiful mugs.

Thanks for visiting not only my website, but my blog - like it’s 2006 again! This will be a space where you can get free things, learn about what’s new at Catechesis Books, and perhaps where I can share with you what I happen to be thinking about!

By way of introduction, I am facilitating a Q & A with myself, asking a few of the questions that no one ever actually asks me in an interview.

Q: What things are life-giving to you right now?

A: Homemade afternoon lattes. Talking about the Church calendar. Reconciling my business banking account (the numbers add up or they don’t and I love having a task to do that has such a clear wrong and right way to do it!). Hugs from my kids. Hugs from my husband. Weight-lifting. Having clean hair.

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

A: Telekinesis. Though invisibility is VERY close second.

Q: Do you just LOVE children’s ministry?

A: No. I do not. I’m passionate about discipleship, spiritual disciplines, Church history and tradition, good books, and understanding people (including children) as whole human beings. I started the Baby Believer series after I had my own children and realized that spiritual development begins the day a child is born. If I want my children to grow into mature, faithful lovers of God and neighbor, then I needed to start working on that from the time they were little. And so - the Baby Believer primers were born!

Q: What two non-essential items would you want if you were stranded on a desert island?

A: My eyemask. I cannot sleep without one anymore and if I’m stranded on a desert island, I will take that time to catch up on my rest for sure! The second item would be kitchen scissors. I use them for everything. I don’t think that would change on a desert island…

Q: If money were no object, what would you be doing?

A: I’d like to keep doing what I’m doing now, but in a big house at the beach and with a dedicated office space that has a window from which I could see the ocean while I worked. (Right now, my “office” is a desk in the corner of our basement playroom so… you can see why this would be extra appealing!)

Q: Tell me something embarrassing about yourself!

A: I have absolutely no ability to remember scripture references. Scriptures themselves? Yes. Chapter and verse? No. (Generally I’m a bit better about at least remembering which book of a Bible a verse is from, though I’m hopeless when it comes to verses from the epistles…) This is deeply inconvenient in my line of work.

Q: Okay, but tell me something actually embarrassing about yourself.

A: Fine. My current favorite workout song is the dance mix version of “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” You’re welcome.


That’s all for now! Thanks for stopping by the blog and I’d love to hear YOUR answers to any of the questions above! So drop them in the comments section if you’d like to share.


Bury the Alleluia