Liturgy for Chalking the Door

It is among the most ancient of Christian customs to “chalk the door” on the Feast of Epiphany (January 6)

Each year on Epiphany, a family gathers outside to bless their home, chalking the year and the initial C, M, and B onto their lintel or just on the top of their front door like this:

20 + C + M + B + 24

“C M B” likely stands for the Latin phrase “Christus mansionem benedicat:” may Christ bless this house – though many claim the initials stand for the names Caspar, Melchior, and Baltasar.

The + signs are, of course, a symbol of the cross of Christ.

The chalking of the door is first an invitation for Christ to be present in our hearts and homes. It also stands as a reminder to us that our home is a place of refuge and blessing. As the wisemen entered the home of Jesus and found welcome, so should all who enter our homes (including ourselves) find Jesus. Our homes are a haven and a space to know and be known by Christ.

Use this liturgy to bless your chalk and pray over your home as you mark it as a place of welcome!


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